Press Kit

Carrie Firestone is an author, former high school teacher, and community builder. Her stories reflect a life-long passion for activism, travel, and bringing seemingly random groups of people together for a common cause. She currently co-runs ForwardCT, a civic engagement and service project organization in Connecticut where she lives with her husband, teen daughters, and rescue dog. Visit Carrie's website at

My name is Carrie Firestone and I'm a writer, teacher, and community leader. As a child, I spent a lot of time worrying about things like poverty, environmental destruction, and war. I eventually learned to channel that worry into action through teaching, storytelling, civic engagement, and project-based service work.I live in Connecticut with my husband Michael, my teen daughters, and our pit bull, Roxie. I love connecting with the world through travel, researching little pieces of fascinating history, and finding ways to inspire environmental stewardship and social justice work at the local level. I also love The Office, conga lines, hummingbirds, cold coffee, Iceland, the activist Inez Milholland, and BOOKS!